
Education Illustration picture

Cartoon Smart kids

Ana, Sicum, and Tia is a diligent student, always the three of them took the time break togo to the library, the three of them are still sitting in sixth grade elementary school. The three children shared a penchant for reading, she likes to read fairy tales, Sri and Tia likes to read books of knowledgeThe following illustrations and conversation:

Tia: I did not know if the earth is spinning on without stopping.

Sicum: I have long know that Tia, by the way you've read a book about the moon yet, the story is exciting. .. oh yes, Ana ... how the story sequel the deer, hare been seizedat farm pack yet?

Ana: No, still being chased continue.
TiaIf it continues to be pursued when deer caught?
Ana: Up to Finish the story of his new deer caught, we get to the library.

 Then the three of them read books they like, and Tia is busy looking for a book about the moon that had been told Sicum.

after the recess bell is finished they go back toclass, do not forget Ana borrow books about the hare story unfinished reading

 as she walked to class the three of them tell a new little book to read, they are very happy to share the story with what they read. three of them agreed the next day returned to the library.

Illustration Picture and Story By: Sukron

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