
Description Price and ordering

For Dear customer, product price list and details
Our caricature to the territory of Indonesia, divided into two groups:

first group:

1. Ordinary Caricature
- Prices for A4 size = Rp 110.000.00
- Prices for Kwarto size = Rp 120.000.00
- Prices for A3 size = Rp130.000.00

- A2 size price of Rp 150.000 one face

- Each added one face added costs Rp 30.000.00

The characteristics of the image:
- The caricature is not too complicated
- Not receiving a complaint that does not mean
- Using preservatives

Second group:

2. Luxury caricature:

- Prices for A4 size = Rp 130.000.00
- Prices for Kwarto size = Rp 150.000.00
- Prices for A3 size = Rp 170.000.00

- A2 size price of Rp 160.000 one face
- Each added one face added costs Rp 40.000.00

The characteristics of the image:
- Caricature with intricate designs
- Ready to serve the complaint
- Using preservatives
- Including face painting

3. Our caricature advantage,

Images made ​​using dye-branded, bright colors, sprayed with a preservative, the glossy, waterproof 

4. How to order
please fill out the following list:

  1. Full name / cp. / Full Address (to facilitate the delivery of goods=........./........../............. ..
  2. The concept of caricature =................
  3. Options group (group 1/group 2) =....................

5. Description

  1.  Photos would like to create a caricature should be clear
  2. Send your photos to E-mail sukron20@rocketmail.com
  3.  for the selection of languages ​​can be translated through flag image to the right or click the link below http://www.sukron.co.cc/2011/03/
  4. if you want to ask the details can be Cp. +6285725951336
Terms and conditions of booking caricature:
for subscribers who want the caricature you should not have published an additional fee of Rp. 30.000.00 for all sizes, but the outcome is much more OK caricature.

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