
Two Thousand Children in Solo Batik Road For the road along the 4,000 meters batik needed 10 000 chalk sticks.

Teusday, october13, 2009,11:22pm                                                             Umi Kalsum

Children in Solo batik road (VIVAnews / Dawn Sodiq)

VIVAnews - About two thousand children in Solo, Central Java, batik on the asphalt road along the 4,000 meters, precisely on Jalan Diponegoro, Solo Windujenar Market Complex. Action thousands of street children as an expression of batik batik confirmation welcomed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO on 2 October.
"More road asphalt as an alternative media arts education. Artfully painted not be fixed on paper or canvas media. On the asphalt was so media blow up the expression of children," said Major Haristanto, colossal 2009 Child Action Coordinator Batik Painting Asphalt Roads, in Solo, Tuesday, October 13, 2009.
Children who act that way batik is a combination of students from several schools in Solo in between, Ketelan SDN, SDN Ngudisuman, Yosodipuro SDN, SDN Tumenggungan and some elementary and junior high school.
They batik road instead of paint or night, but with chalk. Action that lasted one hour, from 08.00 am until 09.00 am it makes the road that lies at the heart of the city of Solo into a sea of white batik. Action thousands of children batik street spending as many as 10,000 sticks of chalk.
"The choice of chalk so as not to pollute the streets, because the lime easily removed. This is also a student holiday entertainment after mid semester exam," he said.
Major also said the action was also to support the branding of cities as the city of batik solo. "The city has a jargon Solo Solo Solo Batik and Batik. This moment right after Indonesia believed to UNESCO as the owner of cultural heritage in the form of batik, "he said.
One participant batik street, Tika Agustin, elementary students can claim to be happy batik Yosodipuro road. According to him, first batik lessons at school there but now gone. "I would like batik into extracurricular lessons in schools. Just now I sidomukti and Sidodadi batik motifs," he said.
Meanwhile, administrators at the same time in Kampoeng Batik batik entrepreneurs Laweyan, Gunawan Nizar added that the action was very positive for students. According to him, batik was ideally should be taught from an early age. "With batik children can imagine extraordinary. It can create new motifs and unique, "he said.
Report: Dawn Sodiq | Solo • VIVAnews...

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